Near the broad heart square Of souel you flame upon the river
And the shore.
Is raised a huge heritage temple of god church of the Christian faith.
Seating decorating square Sacred and high fair and light.
Thousands of blissful stones identifying the face of the church of
Around you always surges miracles of unceasing birth and glory,
Death and faith.
The domes stood shining graceful the stone of faith in the highest
Welcoming humbly the light of the day and proudly you light the
Darkness of the night.
In your white marble chapel pull your new bells ringing on the free
Telling the church the tale of the bible new testimony.
The soul cathedral you inspiring the powerful story the
Merry lady.
A Pearle of architect shining ever in sun or when it rain.
Oh are you a temple or a cathedral or a castle in a unique
Architectural style.
Or are you a star glittering over the soul city in the splendour
And squalor of the hurrying city?
Oh The soul cathedral in your indescribably glorious roof.
Beauties found in the cruelty of power Pillars of purity.
Oh The soul cathedral in your unseen darkness
Swallowing the corpse of eternity.
Oh The soul cathedral glimmer of happiness,
In the shroud of your darkness are Hidden the secrets of god.
In your huge arched roof is the symposium of faith and believe.
In the stoniness of your soaring walls and roof invisible angels.
Light the candles of hope and faith for the mother merry as a
Gypsy girl.
Holds her baby’s with teary eyes, her hands tight Begging for
Jesus Christ and Mary the mother, telling the people to be humans
And brother.
And Under the Shadow Of your High body a picture of Jesus with
Tears one his eyes.
Your stairs are the step to the breach and are the way for deliverance
And joy.
When the longer nights grow longest your silence breath becomes
And the love of God shines through the faces of worshiper and
Your soaring arches lift my spirit up and high to embrace the
Heaven angles.
Oh what jewelled glory fills my spirit and my eyes when I get into
Your squeaky door?
Your clock's knell profound blessing well the people of god.
Oh the soul Cathedral your sadness or joy is my grief and
My gladness.
Oh the soul Cathedral Bow down my soul in worship very
So in your holy silences the singing angel hosts my prayers.
Oh the soul Cathedral Bow down my soul and let your
Wondrous light.
Of beauty shine over my fear body.
Oh the soul Cathedral let your opened oak door heart my
Feeling please give motion to emotion.
Ring on the ears of the history the silent breath of the prayers
Vibrating through the Universal,
Let the sound of your prayers soars to the high reaching the god of
Let us feel the God’s forgetfulness let us be happy let us be human.
Je pense que ces poésies m'indiquent que quelque chose que l'inscription ont un enthousiasme véritable et un grand amour au paysage et à la cuisine de la Corée et les cultivent vous êtes comme moi que nous aimons la Corée