samedi 15 août 2009

cho chi-hun

Oh teacher cho chi-hun you are a twitter poet or are you an arts theorist

Of the whole history.
Oh teacher cho chi-hun you played softly with colour of the human

Theories to create everlasting literature.

Oh teacher cho chi-hun please answer with the wind on this question is

You a Poet-Historian or the Poet-Sage?

Oh teacher cho chi-hun your poetry is like mysterious myths or blessed

Scripted written for the human life like psalms.

In confidence your tongue plays with the mind words and the soul

Feelings the poetry game.
Oh teacher cho chi-hun you construct verse of wisdoms and Citations of

Big and small emotions.

Oh teacher cho chi-hun the poetry in your Owen creation is like a

Scientific theory.

Like a candle burning in the black pain to light out with a joyful

Bright colour.

Oh teacher cho chi-hun poetry for you is like a flash light whitening

Around of your emotional heart.

Lightning the sides of your clever mind so your poetic tongue said

The words in shapes of pearls of wisdom.

Oh teacher cho chi-hun you make the letters dance over the guitar of the

Human tongue through ears, years and seasons.

Like a spiritual orchestra making the unforgotten tunes

Like universal literature symphonies.
Oh teacher cho chi-hun you produce pieces of a litterateur treasure or

Immortal poetry or psalms.
Oh teacher cho chi-hun in the midnight rhetoric your poem whitening the

Darkness sides of the soul as the mind.
Oh teacher cho chi-hun I smell the oriental perfume through the parts
Of »On Visiting the Temple of Laozi" works.My thoughts churn with excitement when you your poem whisper
Gently on my ear.

Oh teacher cho chi-hun your poem is it the whole reality or just touch of

Softy literature makes my soul tingle?

Oh teacher cho chi-hun you are the artist of the Chinese language you

Made verse of famous proverbs and citations.
Oh teacher cho chi-hun my heart just jumps when I look on your fifteen

Hundred poems.

Oh teacher cho chi-hun your thoughts looking like a body language

Clutching me tight.

When I start to read your poems that seem to be stories my spirit

Want to breathe.

Please let the wisps of your breath flying on my personality like

The wings of love, freedom and humanity.
Oh teacher cho chi-hun you know what I’m thinking, feeling and have

Been through the pleasure of the reading. Oh teacher cho chi-hun I still repeat what you have say till I learn the korean language.

5 commentaires:

  1. Poésie pour exprimer le beautifulness d'un tel pays en matière des attractions touristiques et de l'histoire et de la culture comme cuisine c'est une idée très gentille

  2. Tout ce que je peux dire au sujet de ces poésies est qu'elles étaient si bonnes et espérer que par ces poésies votre rêve d'être en Corée pourra venir ainsi rectifier et vous gagnent les tripes en Corée

  3. Je peux dire que ce les poésies de l'amour pour la Corée dégageant la réalité que les mots peuvent les dessiner dans l'esprit de la matière parlent au sujet de.

  4. Cette poésie relive particulièrement mes mémoires prisées que j'ai en Corée à Séoul la ville de la première beauté que je dois vous remercier rabah de M. bezazel ferhat ben de cette créativité véritable de présenter l'attraction touristique de la Corée vraiment cette poésie donnent une émotion pour piloter maintenant en Corée la terre pendant que vous avez pour dire M. ferhat dans une des poésies la terre du matin lumineux mais me dire de vous faire ont la Corée de visite

  5. Hello from Georgia, suburbs of Atlanta.
    I wish you all the best wishes of your Happy work and thinking to the future. Thanks for having such an interesting, witty, culturally relevant poems and fun pictuers on stamps.

    Jay Ham, USA
